The body
Challenging the mystery

Terug naar Tentoonstellingen

Een aantal topobjecten van Rijksmuseum Boerhaave, waaronder een microscoop van Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, waren tijdelijk te zien in de tentoonstelling The Body, Challenging the Mystery in het National Museum of Nature and Science (Kahaku) in Tokyo, Japan.

Over de tentoonstelling

How does the human body work? To answer the age-old simple but intriguing question, medical science has traditionally segmented the body into parts for analysis. Today it has further been sectioning the body into far smaller parts than individual organs and scrutinizing body cells and even smaller elements like molecules. The focus into the microscopic levels, however, has unexpectedly yielded a big picture of our body functions – a paradigm-breaking discovery of “organs' cross-talks”. For instance, the kidneys are involved in blood pressure control and thus affect our longevity; bones have an important function of delaying aging; and substances released from muscle tissues activate the workings of other organs and thus can alleviate diabetes and even cancers. By combining cutting edge science and the latest UHD imaging technology, the series offers a spectacular view of our inner microcosm where organs and cells curiously interact with each other in a dynamic way through mutual communication.

Meer informatie

De tentoonstelling was te zien van 18 maart 2018 t/m 17 juni 2018.

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