De combinatie van klimaatverandering en toenemende hitte in de steden leidt ertoe dat mensen zich aan steeds meer hitte blootstellen. Kunnen mensen hoge thermische stress verdragen en wat zijn de grenzen? Kunnen mensen zich aanpassen of zal dit leiden tot gezondheidsproblemen? Op donderdag 12 maart zullen Hein Daanen en Peter van den Hazel deze vragen behandelen tijdens een Engelstalige lezing i.s.m. het Lorentz Center.
In verband met de aangescherpte maatregelen rondom het corona-virus is besloten de lezing niet door te laten gaan.
The lecture 'Human exposure to heat' will not take place tonight due to the new tightened measures concerning the corona virus.
Rijksmuseum Boerhaave and the Lorentz Center together organize a public lecture about the effects of human exposure to heat, by Hein Daanen and Peter van den Hazel. The lecture takes place on Thursday 12 March and starts at 18.00 at Rijksmuseum Boerhaave.
Human Exposure to Heat: Adaptation and Health
The combination of climate change and urban heat islands lead to an increased human heat exposure. Can humans tolerate high thermal stress and if yes what are the limits? Can humans adapt to repeated heat exposures or will this lead to health issues?
During this lecture Hein Daanen and Peter van den Hazel will address these questions. It will be shown that healthy humans have a great potential to adapt to heat; they can even double their sweat rate and thus enhance cooling in the heat. For vulnerable people, however, heat exposure is a stressor as can be seen in morbidity and mortality statistics. Although heat has direct and indirect effects on human health, several measures will be discussed that can counteract the thermal strain on the human body.
Hein Daanen
Hein Daanen is full professor in (environmental) exercise physiology at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He worked 26 years for TNO, the Dutch organization for applied scientific research, mainly investigating thermal physiology and anthropometry in military populations. Currently, research is focused on athletes and thermally vulnerable people like children and elderly. His natural habitat is a climatic chamber with temperatures ranging from -20 to +60°C, where the experiments are conducted. More info about Hein Danen click here.
Peter van den Hazel
Peter Jan van den Hazel is a physician specialized in public and environmental health. In 2000 he was special advisor to Commissioner Wallström of the EU on the pre-work of the SCALE process. Currently his role in organizations is president of Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), chair of the board of INCHES, board member ISDE and advisor Chemical hazards at Public Health Services Gelderland-Midden. His current projects in the Netherlands and in Europe are related to urban green, heat stress and climate change adaptation, urban planning, Exposome and One Health.
Collaboration Lorentz Center and Rijksmuseum Boerhaave
Rijksmuseum Boerhaave and the Lorentz Center together organize public events in which internationally respected experts address a wide audience on topics of societal and/or scientific importance. This public lecture is part of the workshop Hot but Habitable – Innovating to Adapt to Heat Waves of the Future, which will take place at the Lorentz Center from 9 – 13 March 2020.
Practical information
Lecture: Human Exposure to Heat: Adaptation and Health
Language: English
Date: Thursday 12 March 2020, 18.00 – 19.00
Venue: Rijksmuseum Boerhaave, Lange Sint Agnietenstraat 10, Leiden
Entrance: Special Guest Card Lorentz Center, entrance ticket, friend of the museum