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Boerhaave Borrelt <3 Biology on Tap

28 March 2025


Fully booked / Want to learn more about biology and health whilst sipping from a nice drink with your friends? Look no further!

28 March 2025, 19:00
For adults

On Friday the 28th of March, Boerhaave Borrelt will host a special edition of Biology on Tap during this collaborative evening at the museum.

The evening will start with the tried and true programming you’re used to from Biology on Tap. Two experts will give a short talk of about 15-20 minutes. Between the two talks you can participate in the Biology Pub Quiz, with prizes!

Afterwards there’s plenty of time for another drink, to visit our special exhibit on women's health ‘Unseen’, and join some of our special activities. How well do you know your body and the things you’re good at? Test it this evening! Show off your muscle mass with this special hand strength test. Do you have the speedy reflexes of a cat, can you catch all the sticks before they hit the ground? Do you have a special pattern in your fingerprints or are you really just a bit mundane?

Talk #1 - PRIDE in the animal kingdom: Mother Nature’s power women

Dr. Werner de Gier (ecological consultant at WSP in Nieuwegein)

Although sexual behaviour and preferences labelled by us humans as “Queer” are by some standards considered to be “unnatural”, the animal kingdom appears to hold different standards and proves the opposite. In almost all groups of animals, ranging from the most basic life forms to our closest relatives, examples of Queer behaviour can be found. From asexually reproducing lizards to gender-swapping shrimp, Werner will take you on a journey across the animal kingdom showing that nothing is truly “unnatural”. In this special edition, we will focus on Mother Nature’s power women and showcase species where males are desperately trying to change gender, and instances where men are not even necessary for the species’ survival.

Talk #2 - From Hysteria to Hormones: Recognizing Migraine as a Biological Disorder in Women

Prof. Dr. Gisela Terwindt (LUMC)

During the 19th century, all manner of ‘female afflictions’ were assigned to the flimsy medical diagnosis of hysteria. Emotional instability and a weak disposition, but also things like infertility and headaches. Nowadays, there’s a lot more nuance and recognition for these serious medical issues. Neurologist Prof. Dr. Gisela Terwindt is the director of the Leiden Headache Clinic (LUMC). Her research focuses on the neurobiological and molecular mechanisms that trigger migraine attacks. A key emphasis of her work is the role of female-specific factors. Despite growing evidence, many physicians remain unaware that migraine treatment in women should differ from that in men. We’ve come a long way since the times of hysteria, but we’re not there yet.

Practical information

When: On Friday the 28th of March 2025. Our doors will open at 19.00 and the programme will start at 19.30 hrs. Talks and quiz 19.30-21.00 and time for drinks and visiting the exhibit 21.00-22.00.

Where: In the foyer of Rijksmuseum Boerhaave.

For who: For visitors of 16 years and older. Language will be English.

Costs: To join us for this evening you only need a valid museum ticket. This means you can purchase a regular museum ticket, or it’s free when you have a Museumkaart or a Student Card. Check our fees here.

Register: This event is fully booked, registration is no longer possible

Learn more about Biology on Tap on their Facebook-page. Please consider donating to keep Biology on Tap up and running!